Hanberry Fitzwilliam
The Client
Hanberry Fitzwilliam is a leading corporate finance and tax advisory firm, providing high net worth individuals with private client solutions normally reserved for only those of ultra-high net worth.
The task was to custom-design and built a completely new website which was perfect for the company’s niche target audience.
How we delivered
Because the Hanberry Fitzwilliam website needed to target a well-defined and niche group of potential high-end clients, it was important to ensure that the visual design was exactly on target. We worked with the client to identify what would attract those users and what they would need to find on the website once they visited the home page.
We set the tone with rich, dark colours, juxtaposed with stunning photography, and incorporated movement and music. These aspects all combined to deliver a luxurious visual style that exuded quality and warmth. In particular, the animated home page with a log build in ensured that the user would be enticed into the rest of the website.
Alongside the visual design, our copy was developed by expert copywriters to include important key words and calls to action, which the client then adjusted to match their needs more closely.
Using media such as music on a website can cause technical issues for users. We counteracted this by deploying Ajax across the Hanberry Fitzwilliam website. This ensures that the browser doesn’t have to refresh the website to load new pages, so the music can continue to play at all times if the viewer wishes. Of course, the user can also choose to turn the music off.
The Website
The resulting new website for Hanberry Fitzwilliam is feature-rich and sets exactly the right tone for attracting high net worth clients. Some of the key features contributing to this include:
- an animated home page
- custom animation
- integration of music and movement throughout the site
- mobile responsive
- a user-friendly content management system that Hanberry Fitzwilliam staff can easily update themselves
- Ajax deployed throughout the site.